

Full Name Satomi Tokida
Date of Birth September 30th, 2000
Email tokidasatomi{at}


  • 2023 - present
    Master Course, Computer Science and Engineering
    The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
    • Human-Computer interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Virtual Reality, Movements and Dancing
    • Advisor:Dr. Yoshio Ishiguro
  • 2019 - 2023
    Bachelor of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering
    Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
    • Human-Computer interaction, Virtual Reality, Movements and Dancing
    • Advisor:Dr. Yoshio Ishiguro


  • 2024
    Enhancing Seamless Body Movement Learning with Frame-by-Frame VR Presentation
    Satomi Tokida, and Yoshio Ishiguro, In IEEE VR 2024 Workshop
  • 2024
    時田聡実, 石黒祥生, In IPSJ Interaction 2024
  • 2023
    Dance with Rhythmic Frames:コマ送り提示によるVRダンス学習システム
    時田聡実, 石黒祥生, 大谷健登, 西野隆典, 武田一哉, In IPSJ Interaction Demo 2023


  • 2024
    Student Volunteer, IEEE VR 2024

Work Experiences

  • Aug - Oct, 2024
    Data Engineer Intern
    Development of data analysis infrastructure systems, Rakuten Group Inc.
  • Jun, 2023 - Feb, 2024
    Programming School Teacher
    Development of programming learning materials and Tutoring, Corekara Inc.

Computer Skills

Languages Python, C, C#, HTML, CSS
Others Unity